In Press

Sagata K., A.L. Mack, D.D. Wright & P.J.
Lester. In Press. The influence of nest availability on the
colonization, abundance and diversity of twig-dwelling ants in a Papua New
Guinea forest. Insectes Sociaux.

Dixson B.J., K. Sagata, W.L. Linklater and A.F.
Dixson. In Press.
Male preferences for female waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology.


Sinclair JR, Tuke L, and Opiang MD (2010).
What the locals know: comparing traditional and scientific knowledge of megapodes in Melanesia.
In: Tidemann S, Gosler A, Gosford, R (eds.). Ethno-ornithology: global studies in indigenous ornithology: culture, society and conservation.
Earthscan, London.


Balke, M., I. Ribera, L. Hendrich, M.A. Miller, K.
Sagata, A. Posman, A.P. Vogler and R. Meier. 2009.
New Guinea highland origin of a widespread arthropod supertramp.
Proc. R. Soc. B 276:2359–2367.

Heinsohn, R., T. Zeriga, P. Igag and A. Mack. 2009.
Do Palm Cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) have long enough life spans to support their low reproductive success?
Emu 109: 183-191.

Legra, L. 2009.
Biogeography, ecology and conservation of Paradisaeidae: Consequences of environmental and climatic
changes. Masters thesis. University of Kansas, USA.

Novera, J. 2009.
Seasonality and subsistence hunting practices among the Sokamin people in Saundaun Province, Papua New Guinea.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.

Journal of Mammology Cover
Opiang,M. 2009.
Home ranges, movement and den use in Zaglossus bartoni, from Papua New Guinea.
Journal of Mammalogy 90(2):240-346.

Sagata K. and Opiang D. M. 2009.
A preliminary study on the digging behavior of Long-Beaked Echidnas (Zaglossus bartoni).
Science in New Guinea 29:71-78.

Simons, R.E. and L. A.T. Legra. 2009.
Is the Papuan Harrier a globally threatened species? Ecology, climate change threats and first population estimates from Papua New Guinea. Bird Conservation
International 19:1-13.

Warakai, D. 2009.
Tree cavities, tree cavity-using wildlife, and experimenting with nest boxes in Papua New Guinea.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.


Beati, L., J. Keirans, L. Durden and M. Opiang. 2008.
Bothriocroton oudemansi (Neumann, 1910) n. comb. (Acari:Ixodida: Ixodidae), an ectoparasite of the western long-beaked echidna in Papua New Guinea: re-description of the male and first description of the female and nymph.
Systematic Parasitology 69:185-200.

Kale, E. 2008.
Density, diversity and reproductive patterns of small mammals in the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. Honours thesis, University of Papua New

Legra, L., X. Li and A.T. Townsend. 2008.
Biodiversity consequences of sea level rise in New Guinea.
Pacific Conservation Biology 14:191-199.

Sagata K. and P.J. Lester. 2008.
Behavioral plasticity associated with propagule size, resources, and the invasion success of Argentine ants.
Journal of Applied Ecology 46(1):19-27.

Yhuanje, K. 2008.
Sustainability of hunting in Sokamin, Sandaun Province and maximum sustainable percentage off-take of commonly hunted mammals in New Guinea.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.


Balke, M., A. Kinibel and K. Sagata. 2007.
Rhantus elisabethae sp. n. – a new diving beetle from Papua New Guinean highlands (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen
Gesesellschaft 97:17-21.

Balke, M., J. Poans, I. Ribera, K. Sagata and A.P. Vogler. 2007.
Infrequent and unidirectional colonization of hyperdiverse Papuadytes diving beetles in New Caledonia and New Guinea.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42:505-516.

Sagata, K. 2007.
The influence of propagule size on incipient colony establishment of invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Master thesis, Victoria University of Wellington.


Balke M., L. Hendrich, K. Sagata and G. Wewalka. 2005.
Hydaticus dintelmanni sp.n. from Papua New Guinea highlands (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae).
Linzer biologische Beitraege 37(2):1251-1255

Gamui, B. 2005.
Litter production and net primary productivity of a tropical montane forest in Papua New Guinea.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.

Legra, L. 2005.
Nest-site selection and behavioural biology of the New Guinea Harpy Eagle, Harpyopsis novaeguineae.
Honours Thesis, University of PNG.

Opiang, M. 2005.
A study of home range, movement and den use in long-beaked echidnas, Zaglossus bartonii, in the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.

Shaverdo, H.V., K. Sagata and M. Balke. 2005.
Five new species of the genus Papuadytes Balke, 1998 from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae).
Aquatic Insects 27:269-280.


Johnson, A., R. Bino and P. Igag. 2004.
A preliminary evaluation of the sustainability of cassowary (Aves: Casuariidae) capture and trade in Papua New Guinea.
Animal Conservation 7:129-137.

Legge, S., S. Murphy, P. Igag and A. L. Mack. 2004.
Territoriality and density of an Australian migrant, the Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher, in the New Guinean non-breeding grounds.
Emu 104:15-20.


Igag, P. 2003.
Breeding biology and reproductive success of three large Rain forest parrots; Palm cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus, Vulturine’s parrot Psittrichas fulgidus and
Eclectus parrot Eclectus roratus in New Guinea.
Masters thesis, Australian National University.

Kigl, M. 2003.
Riverine waste disposal: Porgera mine sediment impact on the Porgera-Lagaip-Strickland river systems.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.

Sagata, K. 2003.
Colonization of twig-nests by forest litter ants in a Papua New Guinean wet highland tropical forest.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.

Supuma, M. 2003.
Plant dynamics of a Papua New Guinean hill forest.
Honours thesis, University of Papua New Guinea.


Igag, P and S. Murphy. 2002.
Palm Cockatoo Conservation in Papua New Guinea.
PsittaScene 51:6-7.


Igag, P. and S. Garnett. 1998.
Roosting of the Palm Cockatoo in New Guinea.
Eclectus 5:37-38.

PNGIBR Relevant Board Publications

In Press or Under Review

West, P. Under Review.
The End brings the beginning: Decline, violence, and rebirth in a Papua New Guinean conservation story.

West. P. Under Contract.
From Modern Production to Imagined Primitive: Crystallizing Coffee from Papua New Guinea.
Durham: Duke University Press.

West, P. In press. Making The Market: Specialty Coffee, Generational Pitches, and Papua New Guinea.


Mack, A. L. and D. D. Wright.
Training Manual for Field Biologists in Papua New Guinea.
Green Capacity Publication One, USA.


Carrier, J.G. and P. West, eds. 2009.
Virtualism, Governance and Practice. London: Berghahn Books.

Carrier, J.G. and P. West, eds. 2009.
Surroundings, Selves and Others: the Political Economy of Identity and the Environment.
Landscape Research 34 (2).

Heinsohn, R., T. Zeriga, P. Igag and A. Mack. 2009.
Do Palm Cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus) have long enough life spans to support their low reproductive success?
Emu 109: 183-191.

Mack, A.L. 2009.
Predicting the effects of climate change on Melanesian bird populations: the constraints of too many variables and too few data.
In: Leisz, S.J. & Burnett, J.B. (eds.), Climate Change and Biodiversity in Melanesia. Bishop Museum Technical Report 42(9), 15 pp.

Oppel, S., and A.L. Mack. 2009.
Bird assemblage and visitation pattern at fruiting Elmerrillia tsiampaca (Magnoliaceae) trees in Papua
New Guinea. Biotropica 41:1-7.

West, P. and J.G. Carrier. 2009.
Introduction: Surroundings, Selves, and Others: The Political Economy of Environment and Identity.
Landscape Research. 34 (2):157 – 170.

West, P. and J.G. Carrier. 2009. Introduction:
Virtualism, Governance and Practice, a new approach. In Virtualism, Governance and Practice. P. West and J.G. Carrier, eds.
London: Berghan Books.

West, P., D. Brockington, and J. Igoe. 2009.
Parks and Peoples: The Social Effects of Protected Areas. In Biodiversity and Conservation. R. Ladle, ed.
London: Routledge.


Jones, E.R., L.M. Curran, D.D. Wright and A.L. Mack. 2008.
Differential effects of mammalian seed predators on the regeneration of five Papua New Guinean tree species and implications for sapling recruitment.
Journal of Tropical
Ecology 24:259-267.

Peterson, R., P. West, D. Russell and P. Brosius. 2008.
Seeing (and Doing) Conservation Through a Cultural Lens.
Environmental Management
October, 2008.

Walters, B., B.J. McCay, P. West, and S. Lees, eds. 2008.
Against the Grain: The Vayda Tradition in Human Ecology and Ecological Anthropology.
Lantham, MD: Lexington Books.

West, P. 2008.
Conservation Actions and Events in Papua New Guinea. In Against the Grain: The Vayda Tradition in Human Ecology and Ecological Anthropology.
B. Walters, B.J. McCay, P. West, and S. Lees, eds.
Lantham, MD: Lexington Books.

West, P. 2008.
Scientific Tourism: Imagining, Experiencing, and Portraying Environment and Society in Papua New Guinea.
Current Anthropology (with comments and reply) 49(4):597-626.


Richards, S.J., A.L. Mack, and C. Austin. 2007.
Two new species of Platymantis (Anura: Ranidae) from the Admiralty Archipelago, Papua New Guinea.
Zootaxa 1639:41-55.

Mack, A.L. and J. Dumbacher. 2007.
The Birds of Papua. Pgs 654-688
In: Marshall, A.J. and B. M. Beehler (eds.). The Ecology of Papua.


Mack, A.L. and S. Oppel. 2006.
Nidification of the Dwarf Whistler, Pachycare flavogriseum, a little-known New Guinea endemic.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 126:61-65.

Marsden, S.J., C.T. Symes and A.L. Mack. 2006.
Response of a New Guinean avifauna to conversion of forest to small-scale agriculture.
Ibis 148:629-640.

Symes, C.T., J.C. Hughes, A.L. Mack and S. Marsden. 2006.
Avian geophagy in the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea.
Journal of Zoology 268:87-96.

West. P. 2006.
Conservation is our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea.
Durham: Duke University Press.

West, P. 2006.
Environmental Conservation and Mining: Between Experience and Expectation in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.
The Contemporary Pacific 18(2):295-313.

West, P. and D. Brockington. 2006.
Some Unexpected Consequences of Protected Areas: An Anthropological Perspective. Conservation Biology

West, P. and D. Brockington. 2006.
Una Perspectiva Antropológica de Algunas Consecuencias Inesperadas de Áreas Protegidas.
NeoCons 6(3):609-616.

West, P., D. Brockington, and J. Igoe. 2006.
Parks and Peoples: The Social Effects of Protected Areas.
Annual Review of Anthropology 20(3):609-616.

West, P. and M. Macintyre, eds. 2006.
Melanesian Mining Modernities.
The Contemporary Pacific 18(2).


Mack, A.L. and P. West. 2005.
Ten thousand tonnes of small animals: wildlife use in Papua New Guinea, a vital resource in need of management.
Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Working Paper No. 61.

Mack, A.L. and D.D. Wright. 2005.
The frugivore community and the fruiting plant flora in a New Guinea rainforest: identifying keystone frugivores.
Pages 184 – 203 in J. Lawrence Dew and Jean Philippe Boubli (eds.), Tropical Fruits and Frugivores: The Search for Strong Interactors.
Springer, The Netherlands.

West, P. 2005.
Translation, Value, and Space: Theorizing an Ethnographic and Engaged Environmental Anthropology.
American Anthropologist 107(4):632-642.

West, P. 2005.
Holding the Story Forever: The Aesthetics of Ethnographic Labor.
Anthropological Forum 15(3):267-275.

Wright, D.D. 2005.
Diet, keystone resources and altitudinal movement of Dwarf Cassowaries in relation to fruiting phenology in a Papua New Guinean rainforest.
Pages 204-235 in J. Lawrence Dew and Jean Philippe Boubli (eds.), Tropical Fruits and Frugivores: The Search for Strong Interactors.
Springer, The Netherlands.


Ellis, D.M., and P. West. 2004.
Local History as Indigenous Knowledge: Aeroplanes, Conservation and Development in Haia and Maimafu, Papua New Guinea. In Investigating Local Knowledge: New Directions,
New Approaches. A. Bicker, P. Sillitoe, and J. Pottier, eds.
London: Ashgate Publishing.

Legge, S., S. Murphy, P. Igag, and A.L. Mack. 2004.
Territoriality and density of an Australian migrant, the Buff-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher, in the New Guinean non-breeding grounds.
Emu 104:15-20.

West, P. 2004.
Environmental NGO’s and the Nature of Ethnographic Inquiry. In Anthropology and Consultancy.
P.J. Stewart, and A. Strathern, eds.
New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

West, P. and J.G. Carrier. 2004.
Getting Away From It All? Ecotourism and Authenticity (with commentary and reply).
Current Anthropology 45(4):483-498.


Mack, A.L. and G. Druliner. 2003.
A non-intrusive method for measuring movements and seed dispersal in cassowaries.
Journal of Field Ornithology 74:193-196.

Mack, A.L. and J. Jones. 2003.
Infrasound communication by cassowaries.
Auk 120:1062-1068.

Mack, A.L. and E. Scholes. 2003.
Nesting activity of the Wallace’s Fairy Wren Sipodotus wallacii.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 123:177-181.

West, P. 2003.
Knowing the Fight: The Politics of Conservation in Papua New Guinea.
Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice 10(2):38-45.

Wright, D.D., editor. 1995-2003.
The New Guinea Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Digest. Issue 1– Nov 1995,
Issue 2– May 1996, Issue 3– Mar 1997, Issue 4– Oct 1997, Issue 5– Apr 1998,
Issue 6–Sep 1998, Issue 7– May 1999, Issue 8– Oct 1999, Issue 9– Apr 2000,
Issue 10– Nov 2000, Issue 11– Jun 2001, Issue 12–Apr 2002, Issue 13–Feb 2003.


West, P. 2001.
Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations and the Nature of Ethnographic Inquiry.
Social Analysis 45(2):55-77.


Mack, A.L. 2000.
Did fleshy fruit pulp evolve as a defence against seed loss rather than as a dispersal mechanism?
Journal of Biosciences 25:93-97.

Mack, A.L. and L.E. Alonso (eds.) 2000.
A biological assessment of the Wapoga River area of northwestern Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 14.

Mack, A.L. and D.D. Wright. 2000.
Notes on the Crested Cnemophilus macgregorii and Yellow-breasted Loboparadisaea sericea Birds of Paradise.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 120:186-189.


Beehler B.M. and A.L. Mack. 1999.
Constraints to characterising spatial heterogeneity in a lowland forest avifauna in New Guinea.
Pps.  2569-2579 In: Adams, N. J. and R. H. Slotow (eds).
Proceedings of the XXII International Ornithological Congress. (Durban, South Africa).

Mack, A.L. 1999.
The Vulturine Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus) of New Guinea, a species in need of study.

Mack, A.L., K. Ickes, J.H. Jessen, B. Kennedy, and J.R. Sinclair. 1999.
Seedling ecology of Aglaia mackiana (Meliaceae), a cassowary-dispersed rainforest tree, in Papua New Guinea.
Biotropica 31:111-120.

Supriatna, J., A.L. Mack, C. Yeager, S. Olivieri, T. Tarar, and B. Burnett (eds.). 1999.
The Irian Jaya conservation priority-setting workshop: final report.
Conservation International, Washington, D.C.


Mack, A.L. 1998.
An advantage of large seed size: tolerating rather than succumbing to seed predators.
Biotropica 30: 604-608.

Mack, A.L. 1998.
The potential impact of small-scale physical disturbance on seedlings in a Papuan rainforest.
Biotropica 30: 547-552.

Mack, A.L. (editor and author) 1998.
Rapid Assessment Survey of the Lakekamu Basin, Papua New Guinea.
RAP Working Paper No. 9. Conservation International, Washington, D.C. 187 pp.

Mack, A.L., R. Yamuna, T. Domambe, and J. Pano. 1998.
Effects of drought on birds at Maimafu, Eastern Highlands Province.
Science in New Guinea 23:125-131.

Mack, A.L. and D.D. Wright. 1998.
Status and conservation of the threatened Vulturine Parrot, Psittrichas fulgidus.
Bird Conservation International 8:185-194.

Wright, D.D. 1998.
Fruit choice by the Dwarf Cassowary, Casuarius bennetti, over a three year period in PapuaNew Guinea.
PhD Dissertation. University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA.

Wright, D.D., S. Balagawi, T.T. Raga and R.T. Ipu. 1998.
Mammals. Pp 67-71 in A. Mack (editor), A Biological Assessment of the Lakekamu Basin, Papua New Guinea.
RAP Working Paper No. 9, Conservation International, Washington D.C.


Mack, A.L. 1997.
Population control or biodiversity conservation: must we choose? (letter)
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 78:594-595.

Mack, A.L. 1997.
Spatial distribution, fruit production and seed removal of a rare, dioecious, rainforest tree in a Papuan rainforest.
Journal of Tropical Ecology 13:305-316.

Mack, A.L. and D.D. Wright (eds.) 1997.
Coursebook for field training in experimental design, data analysis and grantsmanship.
(in-house publication, Conservation International)

Wright, D.D., J.H. Jessen, P. Burke, and H.G. de Silva Garza. 1997.
Tree and liana enumeration and diversity on a one-hectare plot in Papua New Guinea.
Biotropica 29:250-260.


Mack, A.L., and D.D. Wright. 1996.
Notes on occurrence and feeding of birds at Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, Papua New Guinea.
Emu 96:89-101.

Mack, A.L. and D.D. Wright (eds.) 1996.
Training manual for field survey techniques in Papua New Guinea.
(in-house publication, Conservation International).


Mack, A.L. 1995.
Feathered Foresters: Dwarf Cassowaries sow the seeds of rainforest giants.
Living Bird 14(4):22-25.

Mack, A.L. 1995.
Distance and non-randomness of seed dispersal by the Dwarf Cassowary, Casuarius bennetti, in Papua New Guinea.
Ecography 18:286-295.

Wright, D.D., A.L. Mack, E.H. Paxton, and J.I. Menzies. 1995.
Recent Aproteles bulmerae (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae) bones found in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
Mammalia 59:163-164.


Mack, A.L. 1994.
The nests and eggs of birds at the Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, Papua New Guinea.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologist’s Club 114:176-181.


Mack, A.L. 1993.
The sizes of vertebrate-dispersed fruits, a Neotropical-Paleotropical comparison.
American Naturalist 142:840-856.

Mack, A.L. and D.D. Wright. 1993.
Birds of Lake Tebera.
Muruk 6:25-26.


Mack, A.L. 1992.
The nest, egg, and incubation behaviour of the Blue Bird of Paradise, Paradisaea rudolphi.
Emu 92:244-246.


Mack, A.L. 1990.
Notes on the Dwarf Cassowary Casuarius bennetti in Papua New Guinea.
Muruk 4: 49-52.

Mack, A.L. 1990.
Is frugivory limited by secondary compounds in fruits?
Oikos 57: 135-138.