PNGIBR studies Papua New Guineas unique flora and fauna through long-term research and international collaboration. We share this knowledge with policy makers and citizens so they can better protect plants, animals, and the ecosystem services they provide that enable our way of life and rich cultural diversity.
Despite being among the richest nations in terms of biological diversity, Papua New Guinea is one of the poorest nations in terms of scientific knowledge of its ecology, and unique flora and fauna. As one of the last intact major blocks of tropical rainforest, we need improved science to guide conservation and keep our nation from repeating the environmental degradation experienced by many once forested tropical nations. We address this need by conducting ecological and biological research.
Soon we will post information about each of these on-going projects so you can learn more:

Critically endangered Long-beaked Echidnas

Wildlife Nest Boxes

Biodiversity Surveys

Hunting Sustainability

Wildlife cultural artifact surveys

Mt. Gahavisuka Provincial Park